Happy March Friends!
What a great month! This month is full of wonderfully named days. Other than the fearful 'Friday the 13th', the rest of the days are pretty interesting. Not to mention the regular March holiday of St. Patrick's day. According to the March 2020 Calendar of days, from the first day to the last day; there are special days to look forward to. Like, March 8th. This day is 'International Working Women's day'. Hey, Woman Power! It also just happens to be Day Light Savings day and 'Be Nasty Day'? Hahaha, not sure where to go with that.
There are other pretty cool days like, Find a pay phone day (3/10), multiple personality day(3/5), peanut-butter lover's day(3/1), Goddess of fertility day(3/18), etc. So many! Oh my, there is a day of ' Everything you do is right day'(3/16)... Love it! There is also 'Everything you do is wrong day'(3/15). Too funny. March 10th is pretty special; personally speaking. It marks a year of being smoke free! What a great thing to celebrate. I have not really saved money, per say. But, I have gotten fatter! That's..... not a plus. Well, I guess I have my health, right. Yes, yes.
Regardless of whatever day it is, I know that we are one step closer to meeting goals, yes? Another opportunity to get things done. One more chance to hug someone you love. Maybe, one day I will learn to stop looking so far ahead and just enjoy right now.
Thank you so much for reading my blog today. Thank you renters for making this all worth it! Let's purge those houses and store some more! Yes!
Joyce Preston
Office Manager @ GSSS